
Richland County American Legion Post 6


Community News

Community News and Information can be found here.

Post 6 Commander Teresa Meagher, along with Executive Council Member Ron Griffin and SAL member Tim Lee, all ALR riders, presented a Quilt of Valor to Mr. Earle Tyler, 99 years old, who served in the US Navy in WWII. Thanks to Anne Mixon and QOVF for providing the wonderful quilt!



On June 10th, 2023, a ceremony was held honoring Jim Wertman with the Order of the Palmetto, the highest civilian award given by the Governor. Jim Wertman is a retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major, who once served as Commander of A Company of the Sergeants Major Academy and is now the owner and GM of Carolina Honda Powersports and Co-Founder of the Veterans Christmas Charity Ride, which has raised over a million dollars in gifts and donations for Veterans each Christmas that are in the Dorn VA Hospital.



Upcoming Event in June 2024!